Fixed Deposit Account

Fixed deposit is a financial instrument provided by the Stanbic bank Kenya with a guaranteed fixed interest rate to be paid on maturity of the contract. It is offered in set fixed period of one to twelve months and available major currencies from KES, EUR, GBP and USD.
Some of the benefits
Fixed interest
Maturity date
No monthly fee
- Minimum investment amount of Kes.20,000
- Deposit amount is fixed during the investment period
- Interest rate is fixed during the investment period and is calculated and paid at maturity
- Funds are available upon maturity
- Free banking – no monthly management fees are charged on the account
- No maximum investment amount
See General T&Cs
- Minimum investment amount of Kes. 20,000
Email [email protected] or visit your nearest Stanbic Bank branch for more information
What you get
What it costs
How to get it
- Minimum investment amount of Kes.20,000
- Deposit amount is fixed during the investment period
- Interest rate is fixed during the investment period and is calculated and paid at maturity
- Funds are available upon maturity
- Free banking – no monthly management fees are charged on the account
- No maximum investment amount
See General T&Cs
- Minimum investment amount of Kes. 20,000
Email [email protected] or visit your nearest Stanbic Bank branch for more information