Own a home today at 9.5% p.a
Stanbic Bank in partnership with KMRC, will help and facilitate your dream of being a homeowner. Owning a home has never been this easy and simple.
Stanbic Affordable Housing

Our affordable housing plan

Stanbic Bank in partnership with KMRC will facilitate your dream of owning a home at a rate of 9.5% p.a.

Affordable Housing Benefits

Interest Rate 9.5% p.a

Single digit of 9.5% fixed for the term of the loan

Fixed Rate Home Loan

Facility fee of 1.5% of the loan amount

25 Years Repayment

We offer you a long-term repayment period of up to 25 years.

105% Mortgage Financing

Up to 105% Financing of property value or market price whichever is lower.

Interest Rate 9.5% p.a

Single digit of 9.5% fixed for the term of the loan

Fixed Rate Home Loan

Facility fee of 1.5% of the loan amount

25 Years Repayment

We offer you a long-term repayment period of up to 25 years.

105% Mortgage Financing

Up to 105% Financing of property value or market price whichever is lower.
9.5% p.a Affordable Housing Loan
If you’re looking for a home loan, Stanbic Bank in collaboration with Kenya Mortgage Refinance Company (KMRC) will make your dream of becoming a homeowner a reality.
heartland homeloan

Stanbic Bank Affordable Housing Loan?

Below is our Affordable Housing offering:

  • Single digit of 9.5% p.a fixed for the term of the loan
  • Loan amount not exceeding Kes. 10.5 Million
  • Facility Fee of 1.5 % of the loan amount
  • Maximum term of up to 25 years
  • Up to 105% Financing of property value or market price whichever is lower.
  • Available to Kenyans in diaspora (Loan must be in Kes.)
  • Home loan Interest is calculated on a reducing balance basis.
  • Allows purchase of single dwelling residential unit, Construction, Buy & Build, Takeovers from Non-Financial Institutions.

We are also able to take over mortgages and unsecured loans from other financial institutions with the conditions below:

  • Maximum loan amount – Kes. 10.5 Mn
  • Suitable property to serve as collateral.
  • The loan should have been disbursed in the last 2 years.

*Terms and conditions apply.